5th Grade Science Camp is now up to $500.00 per student to attend a 4day/3night Science Camp. BESF knows the value for all our scholars to have the opportunity to attend Science Camp. With that in mind, BESF has voted to turn over *all our recycling profits to offer some financial relief for our families who plan to attend 5th Grade Science Camp! (*minus the cost of maintaining the recycling program; plastic bags, gloves, giveaways).
All the CRV recyclables profits that are brought in during the 2022-23 school year, will help provide some financial relief for the 2023-24 school year Science Camp fees. Every time our large recycling container, located in the parent parking lot, is filled we have the potential of earning around $800.00 (depending on current market CRV recycling values)!!!
5th Graders: BESF will be granting you last year’s, 2021-22, recycling profits to this years, 2022-23, Science Camp Fund!!
>>> As a Thank You, 5th Graders will be asked to sign up and work with 4th Graders at Footprint Friday collecting and sorting CRV recyclables (Friday mornings 7:30-7:50am). 5th Graders will also be asked to help with on-campus recycling efforts. This effort will be coordinated through 5th Grade teachers and parents helping with Science Camp fundraising.
4th Graders: Current 4th Graders and parents, this is a chance to make a difference for YOUR fundraising efforts for YOUR 5th Grade Science Camp! Bring your CRV plastic bottles and aluminum cans in NOW! Ask your neighbors, parents at their work, your sports teams, churches, etc. to save CRV recyclables for you! And then be sure to bring them in THIS year!!
>>> As a Thank You, 4th Graders (and their parents) will be asked to sign up and work at a Footprint Friday collecting and sorting CRV recyclables (Friday mornings 7:30-7:50am). 4th Graders will also be asked to help with on-campus recycling efforts. This effort will be coordinated through 4th Grade room parents. BESF is here as a resource to provide guidance as needed.
3rd Graders: Remember, at the beginning of your 4th Grade Year, all recycling profits will go towards YOUR 5th Grade Science Camp fund! So over the summer be diligent and collect as many CRV recyclable plastic bottles and aluminum cans as possible! And then when you come back as a 4th Grader, bring your collected CRV recyclables to our first Footprint Friday and you will be off to a great start!!
All Students: Help save our planet one green footprint at a time! Bring in your CRV recyclables, earn a RED Bergeson Best and be eligible for our weekly Footprint drawing!
Please help us raise funds for Science Camp by bringing in your CRV recyclables every Friday 7:30-7:45 am to our large recycle bin located in the parent parking lot!
